VivaTech 2024

Marketing & Advertising

This year again, VivaTech will hone in on all things marketing, what’s trending and what to look our for.
Top executives, marketing experts and media mavens will share their thoughts, insights and experience on key
matters fueling the conversation worldwide ranging from AI to Web 3 and the metaverse to sports marketing,
one of VivaTech’s areas of focus this edition in the run up to Paris 2024.

If marketing is your jam, be sure to tune in to the CMO Summit on Friday June 16th for all-day program 
for conferences, workshops, networking and more!


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C-Level Summits


A full day of high-level networking with top industry leaders. Meet the brightest minds and discover the hottest startups. Build on your community’s best practices and find solutions to pressing industry challenges.
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Why Your Boss Needs to Send You to VivaTech

You want to come to Viva Technology 2023, but don’t know how to persuade your boss. Here are the top reasons why you should be here. See you in June!
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The Hot Topics VivaTech is Following This Year

As VivaTech approaches, what topics will drive our speakers and discussions? Take a peek at this year’s official conference tracks.
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